Soul Work Guide
This complimentary, 34-page guide is packed full of information on ways to enhance your meditation practice or shamanic journeys, and encouragement to make them a regular practice in your life. Anything important we do is worth doing fully, and this could not be more true than when we are working on our most important work: our hearts, spirits, and souls. The information in this guide is meant to make the experience, better, easier and fuller. The little things count and can create quite the ripple effect in our efforts and results. This guide will help you find the subtleties to improve your mediations and journeys. Find something new and wonderful in this guide and let it spark your own imagination and intuition to make your soul work, work for you. This guide is my free gift to anyone that is on the path to personal improvement through meditation and the use of shamanic journeys.
Goodnight Meditation
This meditation, which grew out of need in my own life, is my gift to all the little ones and their caregivers. I had a child who, at a very young age, had terrible dream experiences and therefore some fear at bedtime. This meditation came to me and worked amazingly well for creating a feeling of safety and peace enough for sleep to happen with ease. This meditation helped the negative night-time experiences stop, yet my children requested this meditation at bedtime for a very long time as they loved it so much. You can have your children listen or you can learn it for yourself and guide your own children. Follow your instincts and customize it to suit you and feel just right for whomever you are guiding to find peace and comfort when trying to fall asleep. Sleep is so important to health, especially for children and I hope this complimentary guide improves the lives of the children in your life.