Your journey to heal and become empowered starts as soon as you are ready.
You don't need anyone’s permission to discover who you are, find, hone, and trust your gifts, and become a powerful you.
I love to help people do this and here is how I can help you.
Note: I am not currently taking on new one on one clients however the offers that are listed here have come out of years of working with people, training, and living these things myself. These offerings are better than one on one sessions as they give you the opportunity for true transformation.

The Snug is an easy and affordable way to get connected to others who are also on a healing journey.
It is a private community that meets once a month via zoom and it's run by me, Dr, Sherri Greene, and Amie Jones. We talk about important subjects as we share truth and compassion in a way that can not be done in public forums like social media. It is a safe community to start where you are and grow.
What Others Are Saying...

ReWild ReNew - A powerful you
This program is 9 months of personal support for you. It includes weekly coaching, group interaction plus 21 modules of material all wrapped up in a modality that is unique and focused on you becoming empowered in your life.
Find out more and sign up for a free discovery call here:

What Others Are Saying...
"I joined ReWild ReNew at a time of both change and overwhelm in my life. Prior to the program, much of my focus had been on healing my body. With that came the realization (and longing) that my heart, spirit, and soul needed my focus too. Along with the current state of the world and not knowing how exactly to be in it as someone who is highly sensitive, I knew I needed a space that would allow me to not only ask questions but to also become a more empowered me.
I can say with certainty that it has been an answer to that longing. To put it simply, the program feels like a vacation for my heart, spirit, soul, and body—but one that doesn't end—because it has equipped me with the tools to take the reins of my own healing and to do so with courage.
Amie and Eileen are incredibly gifted, and while the journey they have led our group on has been indulgent, it is far from overwhelming. I have found that the material has actually encouraged me to take time for myself and to find my own answers and insight for the ups and downs of this journey and life. I couldn't recommend the program enough!"

"The ReWild ReNew coaching program is a little bit like magic in the way it does everything you say it will. I had been stuck in a holding pattern, on a hamster wheel, for several years, feeling like I had all the “answers,” but still unable to move forward with healing and life goals. With this program I was finally able to move past quite a lot of physical, emotional, and spiritual blockages, it's a beautiful program, truly unique. Subtle and powerful. Thank you for creating such a needed blessing."

“I am getting so much out of the 9-month program: greater understanding of my intuitive abilities and how to access them in a purposeful way, insight into what I saw as my personal shortcomings and a wonderful and freeing release of that perspective into experiencing those 'shortcomings' as true strengths and gifts. and a way forward to using those abilities to heal myself and others. Working with them has proven to be exactly what I have been looking for for a long time."

ReWild ReNew - A Powerful Practitioner
Amie Jones and I offer classes and mentoring to practitioners throughout the year. These sessions are small and interactive. They include learning shamnic and soul healing work and are for anyone serious about taking their skills into helping others or who are already a practitioner wanting to expand on their knowledge. We welcome doctors, alternative modality practitioners who are just starting out or with years of experience.
Click here to email us and request a free discovery call about practitioner mentoring